Africa Flying

Aerobatic plane blows tire on landing — General Aviation News

Aerobatic plane blows tire on landing — General Aviation News

This is an excerpt from a report made to the Aviation Safety Reporting System. The narrative is written by the pilot, rather than FAA or NTSB officials. To maintain anonymity, many details, such as aircraft model or airport, are often scrubbed from the reports.

Blown tire on landing. The temperature was over 110°F, and on landing, after braking, the left main gear tire deflated.

Inspection of the wheel and tire leads me to believe that I had just locked up the wheel inadvertently.

It is characteristic of the brakes on this aerobatic airplane that they are not very effective, as the plane was designed to be operated from grass strips, at least so I have been told by pilots where the airplane is very popular. It takes great foot-pedal effort to get the wheels to lock.

I had been suffering pain in my left foot, not severe, but noticeable. Because of this I probably pushed harder than I normally would.

I did not consider myself unsafe to fly, and indeed I had just conducted a fly-over under trying conditions: Extreme high temperatures, turbulence, traffic from other participants in the fly-over.

But perhaps I should not have flown that mission, knowing I was not perfect. I will be more perspicacious if the situation ever comes up again.

Fortunately, the only damage was to the blown tire. I think the heat had something to do with the incident — the very next plane to land, a twin jet, also blew a tire.

Primary Problem: Ambiguous

ACN: 2142505

When you click on the link it will take you to the ASRS Online Database. Click on Report Number and put the ACN in the search box, then click Search. On that page, click on “view only the 1 most recent report.”

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