Fertile Ground Studio is set to shake up the cinematic landscape with I Am King , a gripping dystopian thriller rooted in the complexities of modern-day Africa. Bold, thought-provoking, and unflinching in its storytelling, the film will make its much-anticipated premiere at this year’s Johannesburg Film Festival , promising audiences a fresh and unapologetic narrative that challenges the status quo.
Exploring the complex challenges facing the African continent, with a sharp focus on Africa’s struggles with division, corruption – particularly with the healthcare system (Afrika Pharmaceuticals), and identity, I Am King features a powerhouse cast of top silver-screen talent, including Sisanda Henna , Nambitha Ben-Mazwi , Nthathi Moshesh , and Florence Masebe , promising to captivate audiences with its raw intensity that intertwines history, African spirituality and a reimagined present-day reality.
The vision was to create a film that not only entertains but also sparks a deeper conversation about the challenges we face as a continent. Africa is a continent shaped by division, corruption, and the ongoing struggle for identity. Through I Am King, we wanted to explore these issues in a way that feels both urgent and relatable while showcasing the incredible talent of our African actors. “This film challenges us to reflect on how we arrived at this point. Africa is undeniably rich – in culture, history, and resources, so why do we remain so divided and lacking?”
With its bold storytelling, I Am King is set to leave a lasting impact, positioning Fertile Ground Studio as a trailblazer in African cinema. The Johannesburg Film Festival provides the perfect platform to launch this milestone project, inviting audiences to experience a film that is as thrilling as it is thought-provoking.
More information on ‘ I Am King’
A corrupt pharmaceutical tycoon, haunted by a life-changing spiritual encounter, turns against the elite system he once served—risking everything to expose government-backed corruption and ignite a revolution against those poisoning the people.
Key Cast
Sisanda Henna
Nambitha Ben-Mazwi
Hlengiwe Lushaba Madlala
Nimrod Nkosi
Florence Masebe
Nthathi Moshesh
Mike Mvelase
Thembi Mtshali-Jones
Aaron Moloisi
Tsholo Mashishi
Khanya Greens
Jerome Gadiao
Sipho Mbhele
Sannah Mchunu
Mimi Mahlasela
Writers: Mpho Malepa and Sayitsheni Mdakhi
Executive Producers: Albert Rungo, Adel Rungo and J. Maponga
Producer: Robert Carletti
Director: Nonhlanhla e. Dlamini
For media inquiries, interviews, or additional information, please contact:
Kim MoolmanEclipse Communication kim.m@eclipsecomms.com