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Boundless wins BIC Stationery account, forging a partnership rooted in creativity and joy

Boundless wins BIC Stationery account, forging a partnership rooted in creativity and joy

There are some brands that agencies decide they just have to have, no matter what it takes. Not for the money. Not for the awards, Not even for the other thing. They desperately want the brand, purely and simply because it just resonates with them. They share a similar set of values, principles and philosophies and mutual respect that to an outsider, may actually look like genuine friendship.

It’s exactly the situation Boundless, the agency of experts, found itself in when invited to pitch on the BIC Stationery account.

Here was an agency built on heartfelt creativity, a commitment to craft (in not just creative, but strategy too) and a belief that fun and joy can still be had in advertising. All the things necessary to help the agency make The World’s Most Loved Ideas for its clients.

And, here was a brand the very essence of which is joyful simplicity and clients who believe in the inherent value of all forms of human expression, especially when crafted by hand.

As CEO, Paul Jackson, says: “We want to get back to the days when meeting the agency was the highlight of a client’s day. These days, clients seem to dread it, because it’s filled with argument, demands for more budget and clients and agencies are almost adversaries instead of co-creators.”

The agency has a no-pitch stance, preferring to prove itself on a project and then explore further relationships from there. But in this case, it was unanimous. An exception had to be made. As if to reaffirm this decision, it soon became apparent over the course of the pitch that here were two sets of businesses who both believe in a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and a genuine interest in each other’s growth and success.

On winning the pitch, chief strategy officer, Stuart Walsh remarked: “As a person who is well-known for my joyful, happy-go-lucky demeanour, never being without a smile, it’s like this brand and I were made for each other. It’s also really nice that our chief creative officer, Roanna Williams, will get to do lots of colouring in.”

Lilian Henderson, marketing director of BIC South East and Central Africa, commented: “We’re beyond excited to welcome Boundless as our new creative and strategic agency partner! With their big ideas and boundless energy (pun absolutely intended), we’re ready to take creativity to the next level. There’s no doubt this partnership is going to be a fun one and we look forward to the magic we’ll create together in 2025!”

Boundless, as the name definitely doesn’t suggest, restricts itself to just fifteen clients (of all shapes and sizes) to ensure each one can receive the level of commitment and attention it deserves. If that sounds like your kind of agency, contact Paul Jackson at labolg.sseldnuob@luap.

For more information, follow the Boundless social media channels or visit | Instagram: @boundlessza | Twitter: @BoundlessZA | LinkedIn: BoundlessZA

About Boundless – the unlimited agency

Boundless is an agency comprising only experts, making the World’s Most-Loved Ideas™. We bring about change through heartfelt creativity, making work that isn’t just seen, but deeply felt. Creating lasting impacts on people, communities and markets.

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