Student’s Narrative: I was getting weather for my home airport, which we were approaching.
I had my head down writing the altimeter on my iPad and, all of a sudden, my instructor snatched the yoke and made a hard left to avoid this aircraft that was coming at us from out sorta left.
If he didn’t do this, I think we definitely would’ve got into an accident.
CFI’s Narrative: My student and I were on flight following from ZZZ1 to ZZZ at 3,500 msl. We were looking at charts in the plane when I looked out the windshield and saw a small high-wing plane (red and white) filling my view. I immediately shoved the control forward and banked hard to the left.
After the incident I relayed what happened to us to ATC. They said they did not have a radar contact near us other than one a few thousand feet below us.
We have ADS-B-In and did not see any returns of anyone at our altitude anywhere near us.
Primary Problem: Human Factors
ACN: 2144965