Africa Flying

Completely avoidable insurance claims — General Aviation News

Completely avoidable insurance claims — General Aviation News

In a new video, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Safety Institute (ASI) takes a look at some of the costly insurance claims and avoidable mistakes pilots make on the ground — along with some simple ways to protect their airplanes, their emotional well-being, and all of general aviation’s insurance premiums.

“As we work closely with aviation insurance underwriters, we have learned that far too many insurance claims are made for completely avoidable mistakes. Slip-ups and oversights such as ‘hangar rash’ or forgetting to remove the towbar before engine start are avoidable mistakes that have resulted in costly insurance claims and higher insurance rates for all,” said AOPA’s ASI Senior Vice President Mike Ginter.

“This is just a reminder that with a little more time, and a little more care, pilots can ensure these errors don’t happen to them, which will keep your aircraft and all of our wallets happy,” Ginter added.

The short video — just about 2 minutes and 30 seconds — is part of a series of videos designed to help GA pilots avoid common aircraft damage causes and insurance claims.

You can see the video here.

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