Africa Flying

Cows vs. Cessna 140 — General Aviation News

Cows vs. Cessna 140 — General Aviation News

The Cessna 140 pilot reported that he was about three miles south of the non-tower-controlled airport near Keystone Heights, Florida, inbound for landing, when he heard another pilot announce they were on the downwind leg of the traffic pattern for the same runway.

He elected to perform a 360° right turn to “allow the other aircraft time to clear the pattern.”

He told investigators that, while in the turn, he “noticed acres and acres of pristine/plush land.”

He decided to perform an off-airport landing in a field.

During the landing roll, livestock began to walk in front of the airplane and the pilot took action to avoid a collision. This resulted in a nose-over and substantial damage to the vertical stabilizer, rudder, wings, and fuselage.

Probable Cause: The pilot’s improper decision to perform an impromptu off-airport landing and his failure to maintain control of the airplane during the landing, which resulted in a nose-over.

NTSB Identification: 106824

To download the final report. Click here. This will trigger a PDF download to your device.

This February 2023 accident report is provided by the National Transportation Safety Board. Published as an educational tool, it is intended to help pilots learn from the misfortunes of others.

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