Hartzell Engine Tech has received FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) for its PowerUP brand Bendix S-20 and S-200 direct replacement 4- and 6-cylinder magnetos.
The magnetos are FAA approved for use on Lycoming and Continental engines, including applications for Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters, as well as Cirrus SR22 and SR22T fixed-wing aircraft.
The newly approved PowerUP direct replacement magnetos offer pilots and aircraft owners an alternative that is not subject to other manufacturers’ Service Bulletins or Airworthiness Directives, according to company officials.
According to Hartzell officials, the magnetos incorporate several performance improvements, including:
Contact assemblies featuring a stainless-steel mainspring with precision-aligned contacts
Torx drive screws in key locations, including ship-loose harness attaching screws
Hex-and-slot timing and vent plugs for easier serviceability
Durable billet breaker covers for enhanced longevity.
For more information: Hartzell.aero