Spotted Fawn Productions will produce an animated series based on its film, “Inkwo for When the Starving Return,” which was directed by the company’s owner, Amanda Strong, and plays at Sundance this week.
Strong, who is Métis, will be showrunner for the new six-part limited series. She has directed episodes of the PBS Kids show “Molly of Denali” and previously received the Sundance Native Lab Fellowship.
“I’m thrilled to bring Richard’s stories to life on screen. This is a dream come true, to see our characters and worlds expand and reach new audiences. It’s a humbling opportunity to explore the themes and emotions of ‘Inkwo for When the Starving Return’ in greater depth, and I can’t wait to collaborate with our brilliant team to create something artistic, meaningful, and globally appealing,” Strong said in a statement.
The stop-motion short film follows Dove, an Indigenous gender-shifting character who uses “Inkwo,” or medicine to combat flesh-eating monsters. It’s an adaptation of Richard Van Camp’s “Wheetago War” collection of stories. Tantoo Cardinal, known for “Killers of the Flower Moon” and “Legends of the Fall,” is part of the voice cast, along with Paulina Alexis (“Reservation Dogs”) and Art Napoleon (“Moosemeat & Marmalade”).
Standing Figure, who worked on “Wendell & Wild,” fabricated puppets, and Georgina Hayns of “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” supervised them.
Haydn Wazelle will serve as executive producer on the show, which will continue Dove’s story of trying to protect Earth’s creatures.
“I’ve long admired Amanda’s groundbreaking work and her magic touch in captivating international audiences with their distinctive storytelling. Her innovative spirit and fearless approach make her the perfect choice to lead this epic series,” Wazelle said in a statement.
Spotted Fawn Productions, created in 2010, specializes in animation, stop motion and illustration. Strong is the director, executive producer and owner of the Vancouver-located company.
“Inkwo for When The Starving Return” plays as part of the Animated Shorts Film Program on Friday during Sundance.