In a recent episode of the Be Transformed Podcast, Lanre Olusola sat down with bestselling author and relationship expert Michelle McKinney Hammond for a conversation that many would call essential listening. “How to Lure and Hook Your Man.” But before you think it’s about tricks or shortcuts, Michelle had something deeper to say.
Too often, people focus on finding a partner without asking themselves a key question: what kind of relationship do I actually want? Beyond attraction and chemistry, what qualities should a man have to truly fit into your life? Responsibility, integrity, kindness. What are the actual qualifications for his position in your life?
Michelle spoke on something many overlook: branding yourself in relationships. Just like in marketing, presentation matters. But it’s not just about looks. People who love their own lives naturally attract others. It’s in the way you carry yourself, your energy, your confidence. Yes, people notice the external, but they’re ultimately drawn to what’s happening inside. Joy, self-love, and authenticity are irresistible.
She also compared relationships to business. Before you commit, you need to know your value. What do you bring to the table? What does the other person bring? And most importantly, do your values align? Because just like in a job interview, not everyone who applies is the right fit.
Want to hear more? Watch the full episode below.