Africa Flying

Major airspace restructure enhances efficiency over The Netherlands and northwest Germany

Major airspace restructure enhances efficiency over The Netherlands and northwest Germany

EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) and its partners have successfully implemented a major airspace restructuring above the Netherlands and north-west Germany, enhancing efficiency in one of Europe’s busiest airspaces.

The redesign optimises civil and military airspace usage, introducing a dual-route structure that separates opposite traffic flows, allowing for more efficient climb and descent profiles, reducing fuel burn and emissions. The project also maximises the Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) concept, enabling real-time adjustments based on operational needs.

Developed in collaboration with MUAC, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, LVNL, the German and Dutch Air Forces, and other partners, this initiative improves military training areas while enhancing the overall civil route network, paving the way for future cross-border military exercises and trajectory-based air traffic control by 2028.

The image – created for illustrative purposes – shows the airspace restructure above the Netherlands and north-west Germany, highlighting the dual-route structure along re-shaped military training areas (shaded in red).

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