Africa Flying

Piper crashes after cowling opens after takeoff — General Aviation News

Piper crashes after cowling opens after takeoff — General Aviation News

The flight instructor reported that prior to his arrival at the airport in San Diego, the student pilot conducted a preflight inspection of the Piper PA-28-180. The flight instructor then visually inspected the airplane and did not observe any anomalies.

On the takeoff roll, with the student pilot at the controls, the left side of the engine cowling opened just after rotation. The CFI took control of the airplane and reduced the engine’s power setting to relieve stress on the cowling and abort the takeoff.

However, the CFI determined that “was not the solution,” applied full power to the engine, and elected to initiate a turn toward an alternate runway.

The airplane continued to descend and was unable to reach the alternate runway.

The flight instructor landed the airplane in muddy terrain off the runway.

During the landing roll, the right main landing gear separated and the right wing hit the surface, resulting in substantial damage to the fuselage and right wing.

Probable Cause: The flight instructor’s failure to maintain altitude while maneuvering to another runway after the engine cowling opened shortly after takeoff. Contributing to the accident was the failure of both the student pilot and flight instructor to conduct an adequate preflight inspection.

NTSB Identification: 106598

To download the final report. Click here. This will trigger a PDF download to your device.

This January 2023 accident report is provided by the National Transportation Safety Board. Published as an educational tool, it is intended to help pilots learn from the misfortunes of others.

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