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Pizza and planes — General Aviation News

Pizza and planes — General Aviation News

What’s the best way to get kids excited about aviation? Combine pizza and planes, like they do at EAA Chapter 534 at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) in Florida.

Take Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025, for example. That’s when 12 kids and their parents swarmed the chapter’s hangar to work on several aviation projects as part of the chapter’s youth program, Squadron 534.

On that day, some of the kids got to spend time “flying” using the two flight simulators in the chapter office under the watchful eye of two chapter pilots.

Bud Keil helps a youngster with one of the chapter’s flight simulators.

Others worked on building a radio-controlled model airplane, while still others helped refurbish the wing tips of a Cessna 150.

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Roger Sturtevant, a chapter member and Young Eagles pilot, helps young people build an RC model airplane. When completed he will show them how to fly it.

At lunch time tables and chairs were set up in the middle of the hangar and young and old were treated to pizza.

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Pizza is served to all the hard-working kids, parents, and chapter members in the hangar.

Officials with EAA Chapter 534 believe that the way to inspire young people to get interested in aviation is to invite them to take part in a variety of aviation activities.

And it seems to be working.

Since launching Squadron 534, the chapter has produced four new private pilots, with two more waiting in the wings for their check rides.

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Frank McCutcheon Sr. guides young people applying epoxy to holes in an old Cessna 150‘s fiberglass wing tips. (All Photos by Ted Luebbers)

Kids who participate in Squadron 534 are eligible to apply for a Ray Aviation Scholarship, which covers the cost of most of their private pilot flight training.

The squadron’s activities are boosted once a month when the chapter holds its Young Eagles rallies, giving free flights in general aviation aircraft to kids between the ages of 8 and 17.

Kids who become Young Eagles have access to a free Sporty’s Learn to Fly online course. This course will provide the basic curriculum flight students need to know in order to pass the FAA written exam.

If the student successfully passes the exam, the Experimental Aircraft Association will pay for the cost of the test. EAA will also pay for a free flight lesson at a flight school of their choice.

And it’s not just happening at KLEE. Many airports across the U.S. offer Young Eagles flights. If you’d like to find out if your local general aviation airport has an EAA chapter, go to

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