Africa Flying

Short Final: A Racy Callsign

Short Final: A Racy Callsign

From AVweb reader Ed Fix:

Nearly 20 years ago, I was flying Angel Flight trips for people whohad to travel for non-emergency medical treatment. These peoplegenerally had to travel long distances multiple times per year, and ourvolunteer flights helped mitigate the expense for them.

One time, I picked up an elderly gentleman at Lunken (Ohio) airport as Irecall, for a 2-3 hour flight to his home. He wore a jacket and tie,and a hat; a very proper appearance and a pleasant demeanor. We talkedquite a bit during the trip, and I genuinely enjoyed his company.

The last three characters of my tail number were 69W and my callsignfor the patient portion of the trip was “Angel Flight six ninerwhiskey.” As the flight was conducted under IFR, there was quite a bitof radio communication.

I don’t remember if it was before or after I explained what my callsignmeant, but he remarked that seems strange the callsign for a charitableflight included a sexual perversion and an alcoholic drink.

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