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Stephanie Inakoju: My Decision to Stay Kind in an Unkind World

Have we ever wondered how people become bad? What leads them to a point where they inflict pain and suffering on others? No one is born with cruelty or malice in their heart. So, how do they end up on that path? It’s a question I often think about. The world, as we know, isn’t always kind. It can be a harsh and unforgiving place. Yet, everything has a reason. There is always a reason behind why people change and become indifferent, nonchalant, and sometimes cruel toward the world.

But I also ponder the unfairness of the world. It becomes kind-hearted and sometimes lenient toward those who inflict harm on others. It is like an unspoken rule of life: the good often suffer while the bad sometimes thrive. I don’t understand why the world seems structured this way, but I do know that people can change. No matter how dark their path is, as long as there’s life, there’s a chance for redemption—a chance to become better.

I’ve always tried to live as a kind person. I care deeply for the people I love. I’ve treated my friends with fairness, compassion, and loyalty. I’ve been the person who showers them with laughter, comforts them in their darkest moments, and stands by them when they need it most. But when the tables turn, when I find myself in desperate need, many of them are nowhere to be found. And that is a very sad turn of events.

This pattern also extends into my relationships. As we’re taught to do, I give my love, time, and care wholeheartedly. I try my best to nurture what I have, but in the end, I often find myself betrayed, cheated on, or discarded. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but somehow, it hasn’t stopped me from hoping and praying that one day, I’ll come across people who will treat me with the fairness and kindness I’ve always tried to give.

When I think about it, though, I can’t help but wonder: what’s the reason behind how they treat me? Everyone carries a past, and for many, that past is riddled with pain and hardship. Life isn’t smooth or a bed of roses. Perhaps they’ve been hurt before, treated unfairly themselves, and that pain has hardened them. Their actions may be a reflection of the struggles they’ve endured—a defence mechanism against a world they see as unforgiving.

That’s the thing: bad people weren’t always bad. Somewhere, buried deep within them, is the goodness they once knew. They were once innocent, kind, and hopeful before life dealt them a series of blows that changed them. We can’t ignore that.

Here’s the truth: we don’t have to let the world dictate who we become. The world may be unfair, but we have the power to rise above it. We create the world; it doesn’t create us. We don’t have to let bad experiences, betrayals, or the unkindness of others harden us or turn us into people we’re not.

Despite everything I’ve been through—bad relationships, betrayals, and people taking advantage of my kindness—I haven’t let it consume me. I haven’t allowed bitterness or hatred to take root in my heart. Instead, I’ve chosen to remain kind, to keep showing the world that goodness still exists.

That doesn’t mean I let people walk all over me. Being treated unfairly has taught me valuable lessons. I’ve learned how to protect myself, set boundaries, and be smart about the kindness I offer. I’ve learned to detach myself from those who seek to exploit me, but I’ve also refused to let their actions change the core of who I am.

It’s not easy. Choosing kindness in a world that often rewards cruelty is a daily struggle. But I believe it’s worth it. We are the world, and we have the power to shape it into something better. It starts with each of us refusing to let the bad in others destroy the good in us. We must hold on to the light in our hearts, no matter how much darkness surrounds us. We must continue to show kindness. We must remember that while the world may be flawed, we have the power, through individual actions, to rise above its flaws.

To anyone who has been hurt, mistreated, or betrayed: don’t allow those experiences to change who you are. Instead, learn and grow from them without letting them harden your heart. We have the power to make a difference in the world, not through cruelty or indifference, but by embracing the goodness within us.



Feature Image by Beth Swart for Pexels

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