A well-known South African test pilot was killed in the crash of a vintage jet fighter at an air show there on Saturday. “It is with profound sadness that the organizers of the West Coast Airshow confirm a fatal accident involving James O’Connell, a highly skilled and respected test pilot from South Africa,” the statement said. “Mr O’Connell was performing a routine display intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the Impala Mark 1 – a beloved warbird with deep historical significance for many South Africans. It was especially a huge moment because the Impala has not been seen performing at air shows for many years.”
O’Connell rolled the plane, which went into dive and he was unable to recover. The plane appeared to pancake and explode. The plane was built by Aermacchi in Italy from 1962 to 1975 and was one of the most popular jet trainers of its time with more than 800 made for Italy, South Africa, Australia and Brazil. It has an ejection seat but there was no indication O’Connell tried to activate it.