After overcoming body dysmorphia and other body image issues, I researched how others faced similar challenges, especially in developed countries. I was surprised to discover that many common approaches, such as brain scans, therapy, and other complex methods, did not provide guaranteed solutions. This led me to reevaluate my own experience, as I had found freedom without relying on these interventions.
How My Solution Began
As I’ve shared before, I was a young woman without a second thought about my body until an incident where I broke my teeth and someone’s comment about my appearance triggered a downward spiral of comparison, dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
My turning point came through an unexpected source: the Bible. As a believer, I was familiar with the Bible, but my engagement was limited. The sheer size of it felt overwhelming. However, as I began to delve deeper, I discovered a profound truth that the world is more spiritual than physical. The Bible opened my eyes and set me free.
This resonated deeply when I came across a video where a couple of people discussed finding peace through God’s word in their own struggles with body image. It confirmed the transformative power of God’s word that I had experienced.
The True Reality
Ironically, I wasn’t initially looking for a solution to my body image issues in the Bible. Instead, I was facing various personal challenges and sincerely seeking God. The verse “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything will be added unto you” became a reality for me. In my pursuit of God, I found healing, clarity, and a deeper understanding of myself and the roots of my body image concerns. This newfound understanding has become the foundation of what I’ve been sharing on this platform recently.
Healing Discoveries:
Overcoming my body image issues led to significant discoveries about life. I realised that these issues had stolen opportunities, joy, and a sense of fulfilling my potential. My view of myself shifted dramatically as I recognised my inherent worth as someone created in God’s image. I gained confidence and began to explore new experiences that I had previously avoided.
I also understood the absurdity of comparing myself to ever-changing and arbitrary beauty standards. Who defines what “curvy,” “hairless,” “glass skin,” or a “slim waist” should look like? Furthermore, I came to appreciate the power of my words as a co-creator, shaped in God’s image, and how my language influences my destiny.
As believers, our strength lies in the spiritual weapons we wield. The Apostle Paul reminds us, “The weapons we use in our fight are not the world’s weapons but God’s powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds and false arguments” (2 Corinthians 10:4). Even challenges like body dysmorphia require a spiritual approach. It’s essential to look beyond the physical and embrace the spiritual dimension of our lives.
Feature Image by David Owaga for Pexels