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Webinar: Tracking Hypersonic Missiles - SpaceNews

Webinar: Tracking Hypersonic Missiles – SpaceNews

Tracking fast-moving and maneuverable hypersonic weapons has been described as spotting a slightly brighter candle in a sea of candles. Difficult, but not impossible. With China and Russia advancing hypersonic missile technology, Pentagon leaders are turning to next-generation radars and satellites to detect and track these elusive weapons.

On Mar. 27, SpaceNews will host a panel discussion with experts from industry and the national security community to explore how space-based tracking technology is evolving, what advances are on the horizon, and how the Pentagon and Congress can ensure the U.S. military stays ahead of the threat.

Discussion will include:

Tracking difficulties

New radars and satellites

Timely warnings

Chinese and Russian threats

David AriostoSpaceNews Host, Journalist, and author of the upcoming Knopf book “Open Space”

Masao Dahlgren, CSIS
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Masao DahlgrenCSIS

Chad Fish, Orion Space Solutions
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Chad FishOrion Space Solutions

Webinar: Tracking Hypersonic Missiles   SpaceNews   Africa Flying
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